jana rinchenbachova





Real- time installation

Project for The Factory19, Djúpavík, Iceland

Driftwood from the local beach, electronics, bioluminescent algae in spheric plexiglass container

220cm, diameter 30cm

Inviting the visitors to take a look inside of the driftwood’s soul, that travelled thousands of kilometres through the north pole and landed on the beach of Iceland, I am bringing back the log in the vertical position, as when it used to be a tree growing in the forests of Siberia. This time the vertical experience is different, it carries the long memory of the ice and the ocean. I depict the tree’s heart by bioluminescent ocean algae - every beat pictures a glowing three-dimensional wave. Slow descending and ascending in waving movement brings the magic of the non-repeatable present moment, because the algae create every second a different glowing 3D image.